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Hot Springs City Parks to Begin Using Coin Operated Rides

Hot Springs, AR - The Hot Springs Board of Directors passed an ordinance making park equipment at all city parks coin operated. The move is aimed to boost revenue for the city without the added burden of more taxes on citizens. With the new setup, rides will cost $5 a minute. Once a child's time on the ride has expired, he or she will have fifteen seconds to put more money in the ride.

Children who fail to place more money in after their time has expired will be forcibly ejected from the ride by automated ejection seats. City officials say the ejection seats will only toss the children a maximum of ten feet high and twenty feet out. "We don't expect any serious injuries. To be on the safe side parents should make sure to send their children with plenty of money," a spokesman for the city said.

The new upgrades for the parks will start in the next couple of months. Change machines will also be provided at all park locations so parents can send their children to them with the kind of money that folds.



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