Hot Springs, AR - With texting and driving rising to astronomical numbers in Hot Springs, police are taking drastic measures to curb the growing trend. The department has begun issuing rocket launchers to patrol officers to fire at motorist seen texting while driving. "We're getting dangerous people off the roads, reducing traffic and easing the caseload for the District Court," according to their Public Relations Officer Joey Williams.
When asked about the potential backlash from blowing people up for texting and driving Williams said, "This is a zero-tolerance type of deal, so it doesn't matter if you're black, white, Christian, Muslim, male, female or whatever. If our officers see you texting and driving, they're going to blow you the hell up."
HSPD is planning on loaning some of the rocket launchers to the Sheriff's Office to help combat the growing problem of middle aged pot-belly men boating in Speedos. We'll have more on this story as it develops.