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Hot Springs Police Offer Free COVID-19 Testing of Meth Products

Hot Springs, AR - The Hot Springs Police Department is offering a new program to combat the spread of the Rona. According to Corporal Joey Williams, the department will begin offering free COVID-19 screenings for all meth products later this week. "We want all citizens to be safe during this trying time for our nation. The CDC reports that there is a high infection rate within the meth head community, so we're asking all methamphetamine salesmen within Hot Springs to bring in their product and have it tested for the Rona," Williams said during an interview. According to Williams, the department is trying to be proactive in every approach to handling Corona. "Our shoot first, ask questions later approach to deal with citizen contacts has resulted in zero infection rate within our ranks, and we believe that this added measure to assure the health and safety of drug users will make our department first in class when dealing with the Rona, Williams also said." Once the meth has been cleared for the Rona, methamphetamine salesmen will be brought inside the department to fill out paperwork showing their meth is Certified by HSPD as COVID-19 free.



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