Hot Springs, AR - A local Uber driver was arrested by Hot Springs Police earlier today after locking Wade Naramore inside of his vehicle. Narramore, who is running for another term as Circut Judge, is reported to still be in the hospital recovering after spending 5 hours locked in the car. Records indicate that the driver, Karma Thompson, was released on a $25 bond and is scheduled to make a court appearance next week.
According to the police report, Naramore contacted Uber via their app around 11:30 AM. After picking Naramore up, Thompson drove to Oaklawn Racing and Casino and locked Naramore inside the vehicle while he went inside. Thompson had the car's seatbelt, and doors rigged so Narramore could not exit the vehicle. After winning enough money to cover his bail, Thompson then called police to alert them to what he had done. When police arrived, he was outside the vehicle drinking an ice-cold beverage, watching Naramore being baked inside.
In an interview with SCC, Thompson stated that he planned on using the winnings from Oaklawn to cover his bond but now plans on donating it to Naramore's opponent's campaign.